- Collection of personal information
When you confirm an order with a seller using Emodo’s online ordering system, Emodo.com will collect your personal information such as your company name, company information (such as SSM registration number, etc), name of personal incharge, telephone number, address (shop and place of delivery), email address, details of your purchase list example like items you purchase, amount of purchase, credit terms and etc.
- Use of your personal information
Emodo will not use personal information collected from you for any purpose other than as follow:
- to enable you to complete the your order and to confirm your order with the distributor.
- to support both side communication between you and seller, using our communication tool inside our portal.
- Notice of promotion, service and product will send to you if you agree Emodo to update you ourlatest status.
- Disclosure
We will not share your information to another party other than dive center you made a order with.
- Retention
We will retain your personal information only for necessary reason as long as it is needed.
- System and security
We will continue to implement our security system to protect your personal information from unauthorized use, collection, assess, disclosure, copying, modification and disposal from another party. Such system include
- Only those employee who require the personal information in their scope of employment have the permission to assess your personal information.
- Assess to user IDs, password, encryption and firewall.
- Storing your personal information in a secure server.
- Accuracy
Emodo will to the best of its ability and our best effort to make sure your personal information is complete and correct.
- Request and delivery
You may request in writing access to your personal information and Emodo will use reasonable effort to make the information available within 30 days of your request.